About Us
“All political activity must serve and promote the good of the human person and be based on respect for his or her dignity…. Politics is…an expression of our compelling need to live as one, in order to build as one the greatest common good: that of a community which sacrifices particular interests in order to share, in justice and peace, its goods, its interests….”
– Pope Francis before U.S. Congress in 2015
Incorporated in 1969, the Montana Catholic Conference represents, in the public policy arena, the Roman Catholic Bishops of Montana’s two dioceses. The Bishops, with the Board of Directors, are the governing authority of the Montana Catholic Conference. Decisions made by the Board of Directors are subject to the approval of the Bishops. The diocesan Bishops are members for the duration of their office. Selected members of the Board of Directors serve a three-year term, renewable twice and the Knights of Columbus representative serves a two-year term.
Inspired by Scripture, Tradition and Catholic social teaching, the Montana Catholic Conference serves to:
Surface from the people of God the social justice needs of Montanans.
Inform and advise the Bishops, other Catholic Church organizations, and interested persons concerning matters of public policy, the legislative process, activities of governmental agencies and personnel, and the social and moral implications of these issues.
Help to shape public policy that protects the sanctity and dignity of all human life; nurtures the family; advocates for the poor; the sick and the vulnerable; and promotes the common good.
Promote various programs and initiatives authorized by the bishops in order to advance the social teaching of the Church and build a society more reflective of true justice and peace.
Board Members

Most Rev. Austin Anthony Vetter
Bishop of the Diocese of Helena

Most Rev. Jeffrey M. Fleming
Bishop of the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings
Laure Pengelly Drake
Missoula, MT
Sarah Phipps
Vice President
Helena, MT
Rev. Cory Sticha
Cascade, MT
Rev. Craig Hanley
Butte, MT
Coreen Glen
Billings, MT
Roy Brown
Billings, MT
Vacant Seat
Diocese of Helena
Vacant Seat
Diocese of Great Falls-Billings
Dan Hallsten
Knights of Columbus Representative
Stevensville, MT
Very Rev. Daniel Wathen
Diocese of Great Falls-BIllings
Ex Officio
Jim Carney
Diocese of Helena
Ex Officio